This document briefly describes how to contribute to ms2rescore.
Before you begin
If you have an idea for a feature, use case to add or an approach for a bugfix, you are welcome to communicate it with the community by opening a thread in GitHub Discussions or in GitHub Issues.
Welcome contributions include:
New features, such as the addition of new feature generators
Improvements of existing functionality
Development setup
Local install
Setup Python 3, and preferably create a virtual environment.
Clone the ms2rescore repository.
Use pip in editable mode to setup the development environment:
pip install --editable .[dev,docs]
Pre-commit hooks
Pre-commit hooks ensure that certain checks are performed before making a new commit. For instance,
the black
pre-commit hook is used to format all Python code, and jsonschema2md
is used to
automatically generate Markdown documentation for the configuration file. Setup the pre-commit
hooks with:
pre-commit install
Unit tests
Run tests with pytest
pytest ./tests
To work on the documentation and get a live preview, install the requirements
and run sphinx-autobuild
pip install .[docs]
sphinx-autobuild --watch ./ms2rescore ./docs/source/ ./docs/_build/html/
Then browse to http://localhost:8000 to watch the live preview.
How to contribute
Fork ms2rescore on GitHub to make your changes.
Commit and push your changes to your fork.
Ensure that the tests and documentation (both Python docstrings and files in
) have been updated according to your changes. Python docstrings are formatted in the numpydoc style.Open a pull request with these changes. You pull request message ideally should include:
A description of why the changes should be made.
A description of the implementation of the changes.
A description of how to test the changes.
The pull request should pass all the continuous integration tests which are automatically run by GitHub Actions.
Release workflow
When a new version is ready to be published:
Change the
following semantic versioning.Update the changelog (if not already done) in
according to Keep a Changelog.Merge all final changes with the
branch.On GitHub, draft a new release with the new version number and the changes that are listed in
When a new release is published on GitHub, the following GitHub Actions are triggered:
The Python package is build and published to PyPI.
The Windows installer is build with pyInstaller and InnoSetup and published to the GitHub release.
A webhook triggers a new build of the documentation on Read the Docs.
The Bioconda recipe is automatically updated by the Bioconda bot, and subsequently both the Conda Python package and the Docker image are build.